Welcome to Guardianz Animal Business Essentials

Lessons from the lawyer's desk crucial to protecting your animal business, your assets and your peace of mind.

There's a law that attaches to everything you do.

Guardianz Animal Business Essentials provides you with lessons that save you from repeating the costly mistakes of others.

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For the Savvy™ Veterinarian

More than once, when we are explaining where things could have been done differently, we've heard the vet say 'they didn't teach us that at vet school'. While vets possess extensive knowledge about animal welfare 'science', too many remain unclear about animal welfare and business 'law' that applies to everything they  do while acting as society's animal health and welfare professional.

More animals in the community, higher client expectations and a shortage of vets has resulted in the number of client complaints doubling in recent times. For an increasing number of vets, closing that knowledge gap about essential legal rules and corresponding risk management techniques would have saved them time, money and serious stress. That's where The Savvy™ Vet is intentionally designed to help.

The Savvy™ Vet material is unique because it is drawn from real-world files involving vets that routinely cross lawyers' desks. The Savvy™ Vet compiles the practical do's and don'ts that have kept some colleagues off the legal firing range, and show you how to avoid the common legal pitfalls, gaps and misunderstandings of others.

For the Savvy™ Small to Medium Animal Business Owner

Many animal business owners are unclear about the law that applies to them but it can be expensive, time consuming and sometimes confusing to learn what they should be doing. A lot of businesses get by – until something goes wrong, and the client ‘checks what their rights are” with a lawyer. Then it can all get very complicated, contentious and costly.

The Savvy™ Business gives business owners those invaluable pointers that reduce their risks associated with regulatory compliance in their procedures, processes and communications with customers, suppliers, and partners.  

Contents of the Savvy™ Business are much more cost-effective than paying a lawyer's usual hourly rate to sort out a problem that's avoidable if you 'get it right' from the outset.

For the Savvy™ Animal Production Business

There is a mountain of information available for those in the animal production business who have considerable vested interests and responsibilities regarding animal health and welfare, environmental sustainability, and related subjects such as market demand, competition, and social license trends. In internal documents and outward facing materials, there are frequent references to 'animal welfare' and its relevance to broader environmental, economic, and conflicting worldviews and priorities. However, there’s widespread and significant confusion regarding ‘the law’ on animal welfare. That creates risks for the procedures, reputation and credibility of the people involved and the organisations they represent.

The Savvy™ Industry provides essential clarity about existing law, trends and the future of law, for those targeting ‘modern’ animal law in their policies and practices in order to foster consumer and trading partner trust.

For the Savvy™ Animal Transporter

Transportation of animals is a subject that’s so widespread, diverse and complicated that it’s singled out as a stand-alone activity and offence in the primary legislation of many legal jurisdictions. It’s also an animal activity that has attracted considerable attention from multiple stakeholders including government, enforcement, NGOs, media and the public. So, there’s a clear need for animal transport businesses to be crystal clear about animal welfare law in order for them to be able to demonstrate how they’re complying with, or exceeding, social and regulatory expectations.

The Savvy™ Transporter provides invaluable insights and considerations for those looking to apply animal welfare law to their policies, training, and industry practices. This helps protect their reputation and profits while managing the regulatory burden on their industry.

For the Savvy™ Animal Welfare NGO

There are literally tens of thousands of animal welfare organisations in the world and hundreds of thousands of people giving their time, money and effort trying to raise standards of animal care, or otherwise protect and improve governance of the animal-human-environmental relationship.

The outward facing materials of organisations seek support and donations to continue what’s been described as ‘piecemeal progress under the glass ceiling of anticruelty’s limited duty of care’.  The question is, how can law be used to support those efforts and deliver practical, real-world tangible change en masse and within limited timeframes?

The Savvy™ NGO reveals the glass ceiling of anticruelty law, and ‘how’ to put the unique power of law into targets of sustainable practice and genuinely ‘modern’ animal law that’s fit for a modern world.

For the Savvy™ Animal Law Lawyer

The subject of animal welfare is a key element within related biosecurity, food safety and trade government portfolios, and within the trending social license that is a key consideration of industries whose market position and profitability depends on meeting consumer and trade partner trust requirements. And, of course, there are a multitude of legal issues associated with law’s unique animal property including contracts, wills and trusts, breeding programs, disease control, transport, wildlife programs, bioterrorism, water quality, land use, and more, where getting it right, rather than just good enough, is attached to money and usually much more.

The SavvyTM Lawyer will suit lawyers who want to understand, rather than simply memorise or review, the relevant regulations and cases about the animal law rulebook that governs the animal-human relationship. By uncovering the principles and attitudes that have formed this field, those working in ‘animal law’ are in a stronger position to apply current law for the benefit of clients and other parties in the animal-human-environmental relationship.